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Take the Practice Test!

Test your cognitive ability by taking this free Wonderlic-style IQ test - an intelligence test that evaluates a person's ability to process information and problem-solve.

Quick IQ Test
15 questions in 3:36 minutes


Full IQ Test
50 questions in 12:00 minutes


About the Wonderlic® Test

The Wonderlic Cognitive Ability test was created in 1936, and designed to measure an individual's general cognitive ability. Today, the test is often given to prospective employees in order to evaluate their learning and problem-solving skills. The score is generated based on the number of correct answers given in the allotted time. This Sample Test was created in the same vein, aiming to give individuals an idea of the score they could receive on the Wonderlic test.

Wonderlic Test & the NFL

Best and Worst NFL Wonderlic Test Scores

Proving their performance under pressure is all that matters at the NFL Combine. Here are some of the most famous NFL Draft Wonderlic scores and statistics.

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Why does the NFL Combine use the Wonderlic Test?

Wondering why the NFL believes so strongly in the Wonderlic test, and how it helps them pick the best people for the next generation of players?

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